Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dressing Room

I have a habit now when I go to the department stores I try on everything..  I mean Everything and take a picture of myself in the clothes I'm trying on. WHY- well the mirrors don't really give you the ideal of what others see. So I carry a camera with me at all times when  trying on clothes. This way I see what I look like and what others will see when I'm wearing the clothes. Nothing worse than thinking you look Fab in the latest trend and then you end up on

What I'm saying is try on everything you purchase and take a pictures of yourself. >>>>Smile

Give it a try let me know if you see a difference.

Free Shipping

If your doing this already then kudos to you ~have you ever gone to a Website and wanted just a few items, but the shipping cost is almost as much as the items your buying? I run into this problem a lot, a good thing to do if you have friends that shop at  the same store or just happen to look over your shoulder.~ Suggest they split the shipping with you or ever you guys purchase enough items that the shipping is FREE. I bet you never thought about it like that huh!!! free SHIPPING

 don't wait until the item is on sale buy what you want and other items that are on sale...Wink

Have fun shopping ,

Shop with your friends and get Free Shipping.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I'm sure we all have more than we need of almost everything from clothes, furniture , bedding , toys, books ect... Well I know I do because I use to bargain shop a lot - if it was on sale I bought it and that leads to having items I never get to wear or even use.  So what do you do with these Items you skim over them  looking for something to wear right? Yeah just admit it because I've done it.  So every year you receive these post cards in the mail  (Fill this bag place it on the curve we will pick up your usable clothes) I cant be the only one!

What I'm saying is donate there is nothing like giving I give, and give almost every month. Like i mention i use to bargain shop like crazy and have accumulated a lot of things I never get a to use.

Next time you see those post cards in YOUR junk MAIL give you will so much better  knowing your items are going to someone in need and your closest is free to add something that you hope this time you will wear.

Give as a cheerful giver.  

Winter Jackets/Coats

The best time I think to buy Jackets are Oct-Dec great deals~ believe me I know!  I came across a few good finds, I nabbed a Black wool jacket w/ Belt knee length sooooooo cute. I also picked up a snazzy lightweight jacket in Olive color. I even wrapped it for Christmas wink, another trend I came across was this wool/knit jacket with a hood in -Gray- color. I really like this one.

I feel the best times to purchase jackets for the up coming winter is during Oct-Dec this is when I have found the best deals me personally. let me not forget I also found this really cute puff vest I know your thinking puff vest how old but not this one. I seen the same vest in 2010 Style Watch magazine and I found it love it...

In my closet you will find.


Just to name a few I will have to post some pictures.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I have to find a new hobby ,

So I started taking classes online for photography really great tips cameras are no longer point and shoot. Finding my passion is fun take a few pictures of some items I have loving it.    

Ipad, Epad, APad What is the big deal ? ( Cellphone's has the same features)

I have been looking for a cheaper version of either on of the new devices out now. I do bargain hunt even if it means I'm not getting all the features that can be added later. So I went online of course read the reviews first I live for the reviews ~  I also know some reviews can be posted to boost buyers as well. So i purchased a (cheaper version of one item listed above) Once i receive it I will give you all the details good or bad.  Wish me luck.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


What are you asking for Christmas this year?

Read your Receipt

Have you ever looked at your receipt after a purchase and just put it away? To rank in either free or discounts from your favorite spots or Retailers check your receipt. I've found discount codes, free photo albums, free car washes, ect...  Next time you purchase something anything read your receipt.